Special Requests
Special requests, including custom sizes and subject matter. If you have something a bit unusual in mind, let's talk!
Custom Subject Matter
A sampling of unique or unsual requests: a ketubah (essentially a Jewish wedding contract), a collage of various locations significant to a couple, a pair of butterflies, a pair of orange slices, a timeline of a couple's significant milestones as marked by karate belts. I will happily paint most things (except for human portraits! I've retired from that genre as of 2021. Even though I used to teach Figure Drawing at Penn State, I don't enjoy making figurative work. But I can recommend plenty of artists who do!
May Eighteenth, 2024
16 x 20" watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
Hand-lettering by Patti Paulus
16X 20" watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
Pink and Yellow Butterfly
5x7" Watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
Orange Slice 09
Watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
The Jiuntas
10x8" watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
Blue and Yellow Butterfly
5x7" Watercolor/pencil/ink on paper
Orange Slice 10
Watercolor/pencil/ink on paper